Hi there fellow headphone aficionados. OK, I've finally dragged myself, kicking and screaming, into the social craze and started a Facebook page. It has to be said that I'm not a huge fan of FB in general. My own personal profile gets actively neglected most of the time, but this one could be quite useful and interesting. It should make it easier for more of you to leave comments and if you 'like' the page it will give you a nicer way of checking when I've added new content. 

Every time I post a new review I will put a link on the FB page. I will also post other headphone related news there that I find interesting. Please feel free to add comments to your heart's content, but that doesn't mean you can't still add them here too if you'd like :).

You might recognise some of the items on the Facebook banner, but others you won't because I haven't quite finished writing about them yet. There are currently reviews for 7 headphones, 1 cable, 2 amps and 9 DAC/amps on this blog. As of writing this I think there are another 8 headphones and 5 DAC/amps to come, so far - so much to do and so little time! I wish that I could post a new review every week, but at the moment that's proving too difficult while keeping down a full-time job that also demands overtime. I will do my best. 

This blog is purely a non-profit passion for me. You won't see any advertising around because I like to keep it clean and friendly. If I do change my position on that then rest assured that all funds will go back into the project, but honestly - I haven't thought too much about it. I've no idea what kind of funds could be made through advertising niche products such as these. Most of the reviews posted so far are things that I have bought, but in the interests of full disclosure I will make sure to mention when I get loans or freebies. Not that anything or anyone can influence what I have to say.

I started this blog project back in March (this year). Back then the goal was simply to share my thoughts about headphones and brush up on my photography, but as my passion has evolved so has the blog, so now it also includes reviews for DACs, amplifiers and even cables. Although I'd hoped it would be successful I didn't quite know where it would go or how I would obtain new things to review at the time. Fast forward eight months and I have written nearly 20 reviews (4 of which are on Headfonia), I have more new things to review than I have time for and I'm simply amazed at the number of views that the blog sees each day!

I was going to do a little feature when the 'page views' reached a certain milestone (Google won't tell me 'unique visitor' statistics), but it took me by such surprise that it'd past before I had a chance to write anything. I decided to bring it up again when I had more time and a bit more to say. So here I am and the blog now reads over 135 thousand page views! So a very big thank you to all of you! You've inspire me to keep this going.

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